Privacy Policy

Effective Date:13 June, 2024

Welcome to Health and Fitness Hub. We value your privacy and strive to protect your personal information. This Privacy Policy outlines the types of information we collect, how we use it, and the measures we take to safeguard your data. By using our site, you agree to the collection and use of information in accordance with this policy.

Information We Collect

  • Personal Data: We may collect personal information such as your name, email address, and other contact details when you subscribe to our newsletter, participate in surveys, or contact us directly.
  • Usage Data: We collect information on how you access and use our website, including your IP address, browser type, pages visited, and the date and time of your visit. This helps us improve our services and enhance your user experience.
  • Cookies and Tracking Technologies: We use cookies and similar tracking technologies to monitor the activity on our site and store certain information. Cookies are files with a small amount of data, which may include an anonymous unique identifier.

Use of Information

Health and Fitness Hub uses the collected data for various purposes:

  • To provide and maintain our service
  • To notify you about changes to our service
  • To allow you to participate in interactive features of our service
  • To provide customer support
  • To gather analysis or valuable information so that we can improve our service
  • To monitor the usage of our service
  • To detect, prevent, and address technical issues
  • To provide you with news, special offers, and general information about other goods, services, and events we offer that are similar to those that you have already purchased or enquired about unless you have opted not to receive such information

Third-Party Services

We may employ third-party companies and individuals to facilitate our service ("Service Providers"), provide the service on our behalf, perform service-related services, or assist us in analyzing how our service is used. These third parties have access to your Personal Data only to perform these tasks on our behalf and are obligated not to disclose or use it for any other purpose.

Google AdSense

Health and Fitness Hub uses Google AdSense to serve ads when you visit our website. Google, as a third-party vendor, uses cookies to serve ads based on your prior visits to our site or other websites. The use of advertising cookies enables Google and its partners to serve ads to our users based on their visit to our site and/or other sites on the internet.

Google AdSense Privacy Policy Update

As part of our commitment to transparency, we want to inform you of recent updates to the Google AdSense privacy policy, which may affect how your data is used and shared. Google has updated its policies to enhance user privacy, including:

  • More detailed explanations of the types of data collected and how it is used.
  • Enhanced user controls over their data.
  • Compliance with new legal requirements for data protection and privacy.

For more information on the Google AdSense privacy policy, please visit: Google Privacy Policy

Your Data Protection Rights

Depending on your location, you may have the following rights regarding your personal data:

  • The right to access – You have the right to request copies of your personal data.
  • The right to rectification – You have the right to request that we correct any information you believe is inaccurate or complete information you believe is incomplete.
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Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. It is Toolmaster's policy to respect your privacy and comply with any applicable law and regulation regarding any personal information we may collect about you, including across our website,, and other sites we own and operate.

Personal information is any information about you which can be used to identify you. This includes information about you as a person (such as name, address, and date of birth), your devices, payment details, and even information about how you use a website or online service.

In the event our site contains links to third-party sites and services, please be aware that those sites and services have their own privacy policies. After following a link to any third-party content, you should read their posted privacy policy information about how they collect and use personal information. This Privacy Policy does not apply to any of your activities after you leave our site.

This policy is effective as of 13 January 2022.

Last updated: 13 January 2022

Information We Collect

Information we collect falls into one of two categories: 'voluntarily provided' information and 'automatically collected' information.

'Voluntarily provided' information refers to any information you knowingly and actively provide us when using or participating in any of our services and promotions.

'Automatically collected' information refers to any information automatically sent by your devices in the course of accessing our products and services.

Log Data

When you visit our website, our servers may automatically log the standard data provided by your web browser. It may include your device’s Internet Protocol (IP) address, your browser type and version, the pages you visit, the time and date of your visit, the time spent on each page, and other details about your visit.

Additionally, if you encounter certain errors while using the site, we may automatically collect data about the error and the circumstances surrounding its occurrence. This data may include technical details about your device, what you were trying to do when the error happened, and other technical information relating to the problem. You may or may not receive notice of such errors, even in the moment they occur, that they have occurred, or what the nature of the error is.

Please be aware that while this information may not be personally identifying by itself, it may be possible to combine it with other data to personally identify individual persons.

Device Data

When you visit our website or interact with our services, we may automatically collect data about your device, such as:

  • Device Type
  • Operating System
  • Unique device identifiers
  • Device settings
  • Geo-location data

Data we collect can depend on the individual settings of your device and software. We recommend checking the policies of your device manufacturer or software provider to learn what information they make available to us.

Personal Information

We may ask for personal information — for example, when you submit content to us or when you contact us — which may include one or more of the following:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Social media profiles
  • Phone/mobile number

User-Generated Content

We consider 'user-generated content' to be materials (text, image and/or video content) voluntarily supplied to us by our users for the purpose of publication on our website or re-publishing on our social media channels. All user-generated content is associated with the account or email address used to submit the materials.

Please be aware that any content you submit for the purpose of publication will be public after posting (and subsequent review or vetting process). Once published it may be accessible to third parties not covered under this privacy policy.

Legitimate Reasons for Processing Your Personal Information

We only collect and use your personal information when we have a legitimate reason for doing so. In which instance we only collect personal information that is reasonably necessary to provide our services to you.

Collection and Use of Information

We may collect personal information from you when you do any of the following on our website:

  • Register for an account
  • Sign up to receive updates from us via email or social media channels
  • Use a mobile device or web browser to access our content
  • Contact us via email, social media, or on any similar technologies
  • When you mention us on social media

We may collect, hold, use and disclose information for the following purposes, and personal information will not be further processed in a manner that is incompatible with these purposes:

  • to provide you with our platform's core features and services
  • to enable you to customize or personalise your experience of our website
  • to contact and communicate with you
  • for analytics, market research, and business development, including to operate and improve our website, associated applications, and associated social media platforms
  • for advertising and marketing, including to send you promotional information about our products and services and information about third parties that we consider may be of interest to you
  • to enable you to access and use our website, associated applications, and associated social media platforms
  • for security and fraud prevention, and to ensure that our sites and apps are safe, secure, and used in line with our terms of use
  • for technical assessment, including to operate and improve our app, associated applications, and associated social media platforms

We may combine voluntarily provided and automatically collected personal information with general information or research data we receive from other trusted sources. For example, our marketing and market research activities may uncover data and insights, which we may combine with information about how visitors use our site to improve our site and your experience on it.

Security of Your Personal Information

When we collect and process personal information, and while we retain this information, we will protect it within commercially acceptable means to prevent loss and theft, as well as unauthorised access, disclosure, copying, use or modification.

Although we will do our best to protect the personal information you provide to us, we advise that no method of electronic transmission or storage is 100% secure and no one can guarantee absolute data security.

You are responsible for selecting any password and its overall security strength, ensuring the security of your own information within the bounds of our services. For example, ensuring any passwords associated with accessing your personal information and accounts are secure and confidential.

How Long We Keep Your Personal Information

We keep your personal information only for as long as we need to. This time period may depend on what we are using your information for, in accordance with this privacy policy. For example, if you have provided us with personal information as part of creating an account with us, we may retain this information for the duration your account exists on our system. If your personal information is no longer required for this purpose, we will delete it or make it anonymous by removing all details that identify you.

However, if necessary, we may retain your personal information for our compliance with a legal, accounting, or reporting obligation or for archiving purposes in the public interest, scientific, or historical research purposes or statistical purposes.

Children’s Privacy

We do not aim any of our products or services directly at children under the age of 13 and we do not knowingly collect personal information about children under 13.

Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

We may disclose personal information to:

  • a parent, subsidiary or affiliate of our company
  • third-party service providers for the purpose of enabling them to provide their services including (without limitation) IT service providers, data storage, hosting and server providers, ad networks, analytics, error loggers, debt collectors, maintenance or problem-solving providers, marketing or advertising providers, professional advisors, and payment systems operators
  • our employees, contractors, and/or related entities
  • our existing or potential agents or business partners
  • credit reporting agencies, courts, tribunals, and regulatory authorities

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